Find out how much your property could be worth by using our valuation services.
Instant Digital Valuation
60-70% accurate
Based on previous transaction data and recent market conditions, a valuation is calculated by a computer algorithm. This type of valuation provides basic details and gives you an approximate price in 60 seconds – perfect if you’re just curious. If you would prefer an expert opinion, we have other options to suit your situation.
Expert Digital Valuation
80-90% accurate
Without the need for us to come out and visit your property, you can tell us about its key selling points and any improvements you may have made to it. You can also upload some photos to show us its main features. We will then review this information and using our expert knowledge and taking into account current market conditions, send you a full personal report- perfect if you’re considering a move within the next 12 months and you need a starting point.
Expert in Person Valuation
100% accurate
A home visit with the Directors of the company. We will meet in person, discuss your property and any improvements you may have made and also what your plans are on moving. Using our expert knowledge, we will recommend a price and marketing strategy, detailing how we will achieve the best price for your property – perfect if you’re looking to move within the next few months.
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